My experience as an industrial clerk trainee at stoba

I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at stoba in Backnang in September 2020.I found out about the company about six months beforehand through the employment agency website and then applied there. I was then invited to an online interview by the commercial trainer. A few weeks later, we met in person. We also went on a tour of the company. I immediately noticed the very friendly employees, which made me want to do my apprenticeship at stoba. I was therefore delighted when I was accepted a few days later. In the first week, I got to know my fellow trainees and was given a laptop, a smartphone and other work materials. The commercial apprenticeship consists of the apprenticeships for industrial clerk and warehouse logistics specialist. Another industrial clerk and two warehouse logistics specialists started their training with me.

After the induction week, we started in different departments. I started in the HR department, where my colleagues involved me directly in the day-to-day processes. Damien, a 1st year apprentice, also confirms that “you are involved in the day-to-day projects quite early on. ” The Purchasing, Sales, Financial Accounting and HR departments are particularly interesting for my apprenticeship. That’s why there is a change of department every 2-3 months, so that I can always get to know new activities. In between, I also have the opportunity to get a taste of the technical departments and the warehouse for a few days. There is always a training officer in each department as a contact person for us trainees. There are also regular meetings between the commercial trainee group and our trainer to clarify open questions and discuss current issues. My tasks are very varied due to the different departments. From processing order confirmations, creating orders, writing order accompanying documents to posting invoices. That is also the reason why I decided to train as an industrial clerk. I learn the theoretical knowledge 1.5 days a week at the vocational college in Backnang. The apprenticeship lasts 3 years, but it can be shortened to 2.5 years if you perform well.

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