Sustainable into the future: How stoba wants to produce CO2-neutral in Weinstadt
Climate change cannot be ignored and requires action. While other companies are only slowly beginning to address the issue of CO2 neutrality, stoba Weinstadt started to reduce its CO2 emissions ten years ago.The first step was a photovoltaic system with a capacity of 99.9 kWp, which was installed on the roofs of the company premises. Over the years, stoba Weinstadt has been able to collect a lot of relevant data that it can draw on. To date, the solar cells have generated 746,848 kWh of electricity andsaved 489,184 kg ofCO2 , which corresponds to theCO2 consumption of an average German citizen over a period of more than 55 years. An important step towards reducing the site’s emissions. The next projects on the agenda are the conversion of light sources and an intelligent lighting system. Further energy savings should be possible with the help of motion and light sensors. During the night shift, for example, the machines are only illuminated when necessary. As soon as someone is working on the machine, it is illuminated. If this is not the case, the lighting is switched off. An intelligent system also makes it possible to make greater use of external light sources. This process is barely noticeable for employees. The light output (LUX) always remains constant, but uses the available external light output from daylight. If this is lower, it is compensated for by the system and the same light output is automatically generated.
Need for action for industrial companies
In order to slow down climate change, companies need forward-looking climate strategies – especially in industry, which is responsible for a significant proportion of CO2 emissions in Germany. The reduction ofCO2 emissions and the use of renewable energies is of great importance here, as large quantities of CO2 are emitted, particularly in the production of metals such as steel and indirectly in the external procurement of electricity and heat. stoba Weinstadt is already making a positive contribution to climate protection through the electricity generated by its photovoltaic systems and projects such as the conversion of light sources and intelligent lighting control. stoba is also taking responsibility for more sustainable business practices at its other sites – for example in its work on CO2-neutral production in Backnang.