Every year, new, motivated trainees start their careers at stoba. They are an essential part of stoba’s future-oriented approach, which follows the motto “Committed to progress”. The main aim is to develop our own highly competent specialists who have long-term prospects at stoba. In Backnang, particularly good performance in training is therefore also particularly encouraged:As part of the talents@stoba program introduced in 2015, the idea of the support program is to introduce young people in a structured and strategic way to specific tasks that they can later take on at stoba. “To this end, we usually nominate one or two people from each year group who stand out due to their very good grades and their personal appearance,” explains Roland Gaus, Head of Human Resources at the stoba site in Backnang. The respective trainees then receive various offers, for example for stays abroad, further training and permanent employment contracts.
What distinguishes the talent program from those of other companies is the point in time at which the trainees are guaranteed the funding: “We accept some trainees into the program after their first year of training,” says Roland Gaus. “So if they want to get involved, they already know after the first third of their training what position they can expect at stoba in the long term.” Depending on their performance and the assessment of the training team, the young talents are assigned to one of three levels, which are associated with different support measures. Level 1, for example, includes training in specialist areas such as turning or special processes as well as targeted training for the relevant machines. In the second level, additional training courses (paid for by stoba) are offered in the areas of programming and set-up, as well as funding for the master craftsman evening school. This is followed by a stay abroad at one of stoba’s locations worldwide, also financed by stoba. In the third and highest level, the young skilled workers benefit from even more extensive internal further training and the financing of the evening school for technicians or a course of study. This is also followed by an assignment of several months at a stoba location abroad.